
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

florida revisited.

robin surprised my inbox with another handful of pictures from my trip to florida.
{a whole month ago. i don't believe it.}

i learned a few things about motherhood on that trip... 

like, how constant a job it is.

how the radio is not really yours to control. teach your children to like your kind of music from an early age.

how much more quickly the time passes when the children are at school and there is peace and quiet than when they are home, all up in your business. NEVER WASTE THOSE PRECIOUS HOURS. 

but above it all, i learned that adults have no say in the shape of a sugar cookie or what kind of sprinkles go on it when kids are in the room. gone were my plans for simple, round, just-a-speck-of-sprinkles cookies. helllllllo gingerbread men and bunny ears in 100 degree august!

there's a gallon-size lesson in giving up control that i'm yet to master when it comes to parenting.

also, when you can't find the perfect flamingo souvenir, work it out in the next best manner: dressing like one.

while the older kids were at school, ollie and i mixed up a batch of sugar cookie dough. no matter how mundane the task, kids want to help. that sweet ollie boy  didn't once let go of the mixer and helped me pour every single measuring cup into the bowl.

i'll risk sounding like a creep - there's no other way to say this - but there's not a sweeter sight than ollie making cookies in his underwear. those little white boy legs just killllllll me. i could gobble them up.

also so noteworthy, the welcome signs at my door, made by parker and macy. 
so sweet.

it's snowing here today. can i go back?

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