
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

i think i'll go to boston...

i'm off!

weather forecast:

highs in the high 40s

lows in the high 30s

brrrr. i'll have some sweet cardigans, a sassy halloween costume, scarves, good friends, and a little brother to keep me warm!

exciting stories on monday!
there is a reason to why things happen.

silence doesn't mean acceptance.

Monday, October 27, 2008


aubry, robin, and lara
seattle, wa - december 2006

i did a terrible thing. while creating my blog (i'm new at this, okay?) i forgot robin's name on my blog roll. i mean, of all people to forget... robin. like most things in my life, robin was my inspiration... one of my biggest blogging proponents. and i forgot her.
not only did i forget to add robin to my blog roll, but when i sent an e mail out to all my friends and family, letting them know i started a blog, i forgot her AGAIN! ugh. how could i?
so she called... and e mailed... and facebooked... and commented about what a jerk i was for forgetting her. it was a low moment. i was a jerk.

we hugged it out (over the phone) and i think we're back on track.

so, today, robin ladle... here's my post to you. ya know... 147 (or something like that) things i love about you...

1. you understand the value of the dot dot dot...
2. you're MY best shopping partner - your endurance is equal to mine
3. you like expensive make up and hair products
4. you always let me to make all the "hard" phone calls to j crew, etc for you
5. you let me be the 3rd wheel in all of life's major milestones (in college, at least)
6. we ate at craigo's together one last time
7. your e mails are always so witty and l-o-n-g... the ones that don't get deleted, anyway
8. you're fearless when it comes to hair color
9. that laugh of yours...
10. your party planning skills are totally up to par
11. your children are just about as sassy as you
12. wahoo weekend
13. rutabaga's
14. skipping class to shop for a formal dress in POCATELLO!?
15. your wisdom is unbeatable... especially when it comes to boys
16. you tell it like it is
17. you NEVER talk bad about people
18. we're going to have a store one day
19. you're a great phone talking partner
20. you live on the east coast - thus making you automatically cool
21. you have great taste in music
22. you can play all the hymns in the hymn book - flawlessly

i think that's enough. other people are getting bored...

but, really - here's to robin. check out her blog (which you can now find in the "my peeps" section below...)

Friday, October 24, 2008

cinta c jejaka .

chenta ku nasrul!

chenta la weh!

jatuh cinta la weh...aku skunk xkesah dy kaya ka xdak dwet ka hot ka xhot ka..janji dy ok! kisah skunk ni aku dgn c jejaka baru aku ni..nice..kacak..suka akan rupa nya.. baek..pham aku kot..??? ye kew?? enth dy smemagnya ok dari segi dari segi gejala ...agak sosial..hurmmm.. tp xpa! aku akn usaha bg dy btoi2 ok lmpak skit rupa manusia..xkesah la org nk ckp pa psai dy... aku tetap sokog dy dari blakag..dh sebln kapel..baru nk pham pragai dia kew pham?? haha enth aku tetap syg dy..xkesah la sush senang still nk dgn dy.. aku xtau aku leh btahan brape lama dgn aku try lah bg ok..xsalah kn bg ok.heeee..aku xkesah org nk cakp aku kapl dgn org yg bawah umo dari aku kew...sush kew apa kew ....mulot org...2 jew yg aku harus pk..skunk aku nk try ubh idup dy...klo bley la... slagi aku dgn dy...aku hrap sgt dy setia... yaaa...setia.. harap2 la sgt2..
aku skit xkesah kwn2 aku nk kutuk pa..kekadag 2 ade jgak la rase lupakn suma 2...aku xkesah...aku harap sgt dy lmpak ap yg aku bt....hurmmm amiN! luv u damn much! ok.!! lantak depa nk kta pa.! muahness!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


i stumbled upon this a couple years ago in a guest bath of a friend of a friend of a so and so of my aunt's... and thought often of a how pleasant (and true) it was. she gave me a framed copy of it the next year for christmas. surprise, surprise... i put it in my master bath. i read it everyday.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be
greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career
however humble;
it is a real possession in the
changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you
to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore, be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham,
drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

frequent flyer.

six days and counting until i'm off to this fab place...

boston, ma

for some halloween fun with friends. boston in the fall time... what a dream!

and not much later upon return, i've got another trip planned for this sweet place...

phoenix, az

for what will be a welcome relief from the wintery cold that'll be going on in slc. brace yourself, loehmann's... alice and aubry do az.

Vasantham Central

Hello Everyone !!

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore will be featured on Vasantham Central on the 23rd October 2008 @ 10PM

This is the first ever appearance on the media (Locally) by Immortal Tattoos, Singapore.

Do check it out !!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

it all ended in a donnybrook.


a sweet thing #2

i don't usually get excited over technology... or gadgets... but they're usually not sassy lipstick red, either.

this, my friends, is my new external hard drive. my machine at work is about to explode with music and pictures. i had to take control of the situation somehow. and 320 GB of this sweet sass did the trick.

(it's small... the size of an ipod or so.)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

わたし colleen yeo です!
どおぞ よろしく おねがいします。



Saturday, October 18, 2008

FaceBook Group !!

Hello all !!

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore has now launched a group on

Do join in the fun !!

Click here : Immortal Tattoos, Singapore

Friday, October 17, 2008

she works hard for the money.

i just got this picture from a client. it's chris, dave, and myself... working it at one of our big bridge moves this summer.

yes, folks. i have my own hard hat, steel toed boots, and orange safety gear.

girl babies.

my friend jen sent this to me once. i forwarded it onto my mom. i thought it was kind of funny.

this was her reply:

" AUBS! I don't just want babies out of you unless you have cute little girl babies. I need girl babies -- alright! I have been suffering from girl baby starvation for 30 years! I want to go shopping for girl baby outfits. You have your assignment, now go and be fruitful - GIRL BABIES ONLY"

i laughed. not because i don't really want babies... or girl babies. but because i couldn't do anything about it.

the next day... i got this e mail. titled "More"

"I want to shop for frilly underpants, not superhero underoos, I want to buy dresses and matching shoes and lacy stockings, I want to see cute little pink and purple sleepers on a tiny delicate frame, not skintight sleepers on a snoring Michelin man-baby.

Just to be clear, I want GIRL BABIES. I gave it a valiant try myself five times only to get four BOY babies. Now it's your turn - find a man and start churning out GIRL BABIES.

so... any takers? my mom will pay you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

a sweet thing #1

a couple weeks ago, someone asked what my "can't live without" work item was. this is most definitely it. hour by hour, it's got me covered. maybe i'm old school, but it's colorful... so it qualifies.

only in dreams.

my friend ed told me he was worried about me at the weezer concert. worried that i couldn't handle the GA floor seats. apparently ed hasn't seen my concert resume. i heart GA ('cept for my first time... when i grabbed that 14 year old boy by the chest of his shirt and told him that if he threw his sweaty body against mine ever again i'd probably start crying. low point.)

i appreciated rivers and the crew, the local band, the beverly hills sing-a-long, and especially appreciated ed's efforts in making sure i got a piece of this sweet action:

seriously, though folks. here are some highlights...

the obligatory jen and aubry self portrait. (this won't be the first time you see these...)

the wheelchair crowd surfer. "ummm... sir... can i get your number?!"

the crew. concert tees galore.

slightly sweaty. can't guarantee it's all my own.

tales of a party planner, volume 1.

i'll back track a few weeks, since my new blog is empty.

i threw a baby shower for my friend andi. i'm a sucker for babies. a sucker for andi. and a sucker for throwing a party. there's a slight chance that i got carried away with the decorations... which i realized when went shopping for drinks that would match the ribbons in my table center pieces.
andi didn't find out what she was having until the week before the shower... but i started down the path of pinks and reds. i'm pretty sure i had something to do with it really being a girl... because we all know i would have scrapped it all if it ended up being a boy.
i realize my house has lots of color... but i love the pictures of the whole party. the room full of love makes everything brighter.

thankfully, lara was able to come from grand junction, which is always a treat. and katrina and rosalyn (and my bf adam) live close enough that we were able to have a mini shanty reunion. i can't ever get enough of that.

and, the infamous matchy matchy drinks. it's sick, i know.

the way i am.

this is my big break. i'm a blogger. i have high hopes, but i don't promise much, people. expect pictures and stories from my "charmed" life and sweet things i find along the way. hopefully, it will be entertaining enough for you to come back often.
oh look!
she got herself
"a new hobby".
she must be "enjoying" it right now.

my cousin say go **** yourself.

Monday, October 13, 2008

my confession:

without fail
im gay to receive his calls every time.
this feeling will never die.

together, we'll make things work!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

thanks to the help from mavis
the mystery is solved!
the msn error is actually a new msn function that people use to trick and confuse their friends.
how great is that!

addicted to curry.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

after 12 midnight,
my msn decided to FREAK the hell out of me.
at first, irene's msn's nick and display picture was changed to mine!
it's like a mirror image.
it felt like i was talking to myself in the msn conversation.
the next thing i knew,
it changed to DON'S msn nick and display picture.
irene couldnt believe what's happening on my side when i sent her the print screen.
thus, she added Don in the conversation.
and guess what...
i ended up having 2 Don in the conversation.
how cool is that!
what's best i would say is that it didnt stop here.
it went on to gary's msn and display picture then to xianlong's.
in the end, i got tired of it and logged off.

mahjong addicts

Monday, October 6, 2008

seriously speaking,
how dumb can a person get?
please tell me.

to america! XD

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