
Sunday, October 31, 2010

halloween eve.

halloween weekend really turned out to be a repeat of the fourth of july weekend.
we'll call it epic weekend 2.0

it started at 11:30 on friday night, right as i was about to climb into bed, with an incoming text - "we're bored.  we're coming over with rice krispy treats and diet coke" from brooke and ashlee.

and we talked and we laughed and we ate and we drank... until 4 in the morning.

sometimes we just can't get enough of each other... so we met for {a late} breakfast at ruth's diner where i was served more food than any human being should be legally be allowed to eat at once.  de-lish.

brooke and i combed through every aisle at ross and i walked away with a dress for $4.99.  i should be on oprah for the amazing finds i score at that place.

back to brooke's parents house for utah football and soup in breadbowls.

aaaaaand then... keys on main with the drunks and the sleezies.
we passed on the costumes... i figure we could sit back and laugh at everyone else.
score:  our waitress was a slutty version of flo the progressive girl.  i would have hated to out-do her in my sweet costume, bump-it n' all.

i mean... there's something to be said about being a minority - being sober - in a bar and STILL managing to make a scene.

free shirts.  jack daniels. bacardi. and other things we don't know too much about.  but free.  and graciously accepted from the piano players for being such entertaining patrons of the piano bar.

 delicious drinks.

front row seats.

lots of hot messes. lots.

and we may or may not have been asked to the stage. to place our hands on the pianos and to show our friends at the bar how baby's got back.


proof that i know how to bump it.

Tattoo Ideas by Stacy May

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

Hot tattooed girl by Larry Schaefer

tattooed girl

tattooed girl
Bomb Girl - WIP - by William L

tattooed girl

tattooed girl
Voodoo Doll Girl - Shoulder

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

Hot female tattoo by Tracy Gorman

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

Submit your pictures!

Submit your pictures!

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

Submit your pictures!

Submit your pictures!

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

Submit your pictures!

Submit your pictures!

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

Vous n’avez pas des os en verre,
vous pouvez vous congner a la vie

You don’t have bones of glass, 
You can take life’s knocks.

Vous n’avez pas des os en verre,vous pouvez vous congner...

Popular female tattoo by Lillian McIntosh

female tattoo

female tattoo
the best clients...

female tattoo

female tattoo
phoenix Tattoo girl-2

female tattoo

female tattoo
dark tree

Superb tattoo for female by Calvin Kay

tattoo for female

tattoo for female
tommicrazy 277

tattoo for female

tattoo for female
Lilies stars wine tat finished

tattoo for female

tattoo for female
Snake Gypsy

Cool girl with tattoo by Michelle Moser

girl with tattoo

girl with tattoo
Lush life three

girl with tattoo

girl with tattoo

girl with tattoo

girl with tattoo

Best female tattoo by Nelson Boyer

female tattoo

woman with tattoo

yes. it’s a FriendSHIP

my first bro tattoo///mine is a destroyer,  hers is a battleship

yes. it’s a FriendSHIP.  my first bro tattoo///mine is...

female tattoo

woman with tattoo


female tattoo

woman with tattoo


female tattoo

woman with tattoo

I have many to count & working on getting completely covered with more ink(:

I have many to count & working on getting completely...

cool creepy designs for your Haloween delight



Tattoo Images by Seth Roach

tattooed girl

tattooed girl



Ello lovelies :)

Be mine. You’re adorable.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

My 9th tattoo, unfinished. I am waiting to go back and get the ocean and other scenery behind her. 

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

My war hippogriff.

The hippogriff is said to be the offspring of a griffon and a mare. Which, according to their mythology should be impossible. Hippogriffs are said to represent impossibility and love. The armor is just to make it a little more bad-ass.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl



Bridget Blonde

Tattoos and baking, finally my two loved combined

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

Love to know who this girl is tbf :) x

tattooed girl

tattooed girl


My Harry Potter tattoo: It’s on my thigh, it says “Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus” which is the Hogwarts motto. The key with wings is the key that Harry had to catch to get through a door in the first book. Done by the tattoo artist Ashley Love -

tattooed girl

You’re talking about a submitted photo, go see who submitted it and ask her.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

“in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni”

latin palindrome “we go into the circle at night & are consumed by the fire”. to me it was the literary equivalent to why someone would get a phoenix, cherry blossom, or lotus.

my first, my fav. can’t wait to get more.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl

all healed =] black and grey tiger lilies.

tattooed girl

tattooed girl


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