
Thursday, October 13, 2011

photos that perfectly describe my relationship with robin's kids.

a bench picture.
the exact conversation went like this:
robin: what do you want to do while you're here?
aubry: well, i feel like i should see the place you take all your visitors to.  you know the one?  the one with the bench that you always stop at and take pictures?
and so that's what we did.

the joke goes:

robin updates her facebook status: i love it when my three-year-old asks me what time it is.  as if it makes any difference to him...
aubry comments: you're such a mom.

robin answers the phone: i can only talk for a minute.  i'm in the after school pick up line and i can't be on the phone when i get to the school.
aubry sighs: you're such a mom.

robin texts: i'm making dinner right now... can i call you after i put the kids to bed?
aubry relents: you're such a mom.

robin blogs a blog like this
aubry comments: you're such a mom

robin tweets: i'm the mom who locked her kids in the car, buckled in, and had to be rescued by the fire department.
aubry RTs: you're such a mom. {but you're okay by now, no?}

and then i went to florida to see first hand what all this mother-of-four-ness was all about.

like, if her kids reallllly did scream relentlessly when ever the phone-to-ear action happened {check.}

whether or not oliver really did steal a little gigantic, humongous, life size  piece of your heart with his 3 year old charm {triple check.}
 and if it truly was too hot to wear denim in florida. {yes, sir, it was.}

i've loved robin's kids since time began.

i talked to robin within hours after parker was born, happy to report the core of robin's vanity was still in tact, even after such a {what i imagine to be} unpleasant, painful experience.
"there are highlights in her hair.  it looks like it was kissed by the sun!"

and i've always felt like macy was my best friend. maybe because she's so dear and sweet and quiet.... with a fantastic pixie cut.
turns out she's still dear and sweet, but the girl can talk and sing like the best of them.

oliver is always up to no good.... but so endearing. i needed to get my hands on that boy myself.
oliver gets two pictures because he really really was so killer sweet. 
2,738 times i heard ollie ask if he could play "the unicorn game. or the fruit slicing game or the bubble one...."*
and i think i stole his heart when i agreed to ride the nordstrom escalator with him.  up and down. twice.

* it was also right about here that macy asked her mom when she would get to see "aubry with real clothes on and with her hair not in a bun".  sunday was a lazy conference day.  and lazy conference days call for pajamas.... all day.

and sawyer!  the only ladle child i was yet to meet.  just look at that face!
that squirmy never wants to be held by a stranger from utah face...

aren't they the best? my life would be filled with ten times more laughter if i were surrounded by these little ladles everyday.
i'd probably go grey sooner, talk on the phone less, and lose battery power on my phone by 10 a.m. as opposed to noon like i do right now..... 

but i need them.

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