
Thursday, June 16, 2011

it's all in the details.

i just want to sleep.

but i also want to run {rather, i feel the pressure to run. fast.}.
and cook in my kitchen.
and go to the temple.
and bake fancy treats.
and work till all ends of the night.
and watch the oprah + gayle bestie episode saved on my dvr.
along with the rest of the 14 episodes i have queued and waiting.
and host out of town guests.
gush my father with love in honor of his holiday.
track down service opportunities in the salt lake valley for the ward + make a 3 month schedule.
identify speakers for the local chapter of public participation professionals luncheons.
write a 25 page proposal.
and tend to all of those nagging details for bristyl's baby shower.
and prepare to speak in church on sunday.
and create a presentation for monday's lunch meeting.
and for heaven's sake, i want to feel the sun on my bod while i read a book at the pool!

i laid in bed this morning and immediately counted to how many hours until i could crawl back in it.

i want a good sleep.... one uninhibited by the pile of laundry i am too tired at night to remove from the other half of the bed.  the kind of sleep that leaves me to be woken by the sun - instead of buzzes or chirps or the sound of the garbage truck making its way around the neighborhood.  above all, i want the kind of sleep that is followed by an agenda-free day, giving me the option to keep on sleeping if that's what my body feels like doing.  schedule-free sleep.

but since that's not an option in the foreseeable future, i'll choose to be thankful for the little things that make my schedule a little more managable instead.

like finding these tags on the creature comforts blog. life made easier one detail at a time.
and scoring the recipes to this fancy spread of honey butter from jenna.  hole in my baby shower menu: filled.

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