
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

true love at first sight.

on my last day, last afternoon in boise {after a rather unsuccessful week of shopping}, andi + i hit a crummy run down house with a silly name - something like "the shabby chic house".  we didn't have much hope for it, considering the hot pink paint that was slapped across all the lattice and old furniture that welcomed us in from the road.

but it was a wild jungle of treasures.  nooks and crannies and pop up tents in the back yard full of genuine treasures... just the kind i like - real, old, but not held with enough regard to box me out of my price limit.

i bought - yes, i broke the rules of The Project again - vintage fabrics and linens and a metal tray that seemed to have once held something very common and practical in 1928... like kitchen utensils.  i hope it's happy as my new Important Mail receptacle.

and then we turned the corner to the last room of the house and the heavens opened and angels started singing in their heavenly, angelic choral voices and i had a moment. it was something of love at first sight.  but then i saw the 50% off tag and we quickly fell from that love-at-first-sight kind of love to soul mate love.  the kind of love you don't give up on {crazy, stupid love, anyone?}  

the equation of me + that 6.5 foot door + more errands + a car full of five people + a road trip home to utah made no sense at all.  but soul mate love was not to be ignored.

bypassing all the boring details - but a shout out to spencer who broke his back {quite literally} to get that door to fit in my car and take special care to ensure the glass tiles were well cushioned - the door is home and it is mine all mine.

plans for future use?  with a little tender loving care, and probably the help of a manly man, it will stand side by side with the other door of mine {somehow attached, somehow secured} and sit behind my bedas a headboard.

best out of town purchase ever.

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