
Monday, August 8, 2011

monday, schmonday.

today's monday wasn't so bad.
except for the 6:30 a.m. pick up.

but we were headed to the golf course for a day outside... with a load of engineers, of course.
i was on photo duty. which meant i zig zagged across 18 holes and tried to:
1. avoid being a distaction to their game, but at the same time 2. get more than just engineer butt shots.

after nine holes, i was pretty sure i zagged enough to get all the teams.{theyalllookedthesame} so i hung around with these guys.

i drank soda and made recommendations for pandora stations that would, in fact, enhance their game.
{people who think the golf course has to be a quiet place are bor-ing}

when they need a dose of comic relief, they'll ask me to putt. it's like a novelty to watch me participate in their sport.
today, i wasn't so bad.

i was also the one heard saying, "step up your game, will you, dave?" or "i'll buy you a prize if you make this shot!"
and guess what?  birdies galore!

now, what kind of prizes do engineers want?
calculators? scales? plaid shirts? dockers with elastic waistbands?
i don't think i can default to the usual cupcakes and nail polish with these guys...

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