
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

adventures of being a girl.

i have a label called "adventures of being a girl" where i chronicle all the best parts of womanhood. 

yesterday, friend tiffany {who, bizarrely enough, i've never discussed here on the blog.  tiffany served her mission in san diego while i lived at home.  i didn't know her then.... but i did know the other san diego missionary who she married upon return. and then sadly divorced.  but maybe not so sadly? i don't know. she's brilliant.  like, a scientist. and probably my prettiest friend. with great style.} sent me this message. it is dead on an "adventure of being a girl":

"at the airport. just got hit on by a guy that's working on his GED while working weekends at CVS as a cashier.  being single is awesome."

and then i told her to share because he sounds like someone right up my alley.

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