
Friday, April 15, 2011

what not to wear with robin

greetings from florida!  i'm robin, one of aubry's nearest and dearest.  she asked me to blog for her today... and it's about to get ugly up in here.  (she may regret this.)

i struggle.  i struggle getting dressed.  there used to be a time when i could dress myself, but i have four kids now.  i know (i know) that motherhood is not an excuse to let oneself go, but it kind of is.

this is what my day looks like.  and yes, sadly, EVERY day...

i work out every morning, so i'm in workout clothes usually until about noon.

and then after lunch and a shower, i throw my pajamas back on (because who wants to get real clothes on right out of the shower?)

and then all of a sudden it's 2:00!  time to pick up parker from school!  i throw on whatever is on top of my pile (usually what i wore the day before) and get in the car.  (now, you may be thinking "that skirt is not the worse thing i've ever seen", but it really is. it's been through pregnancies, weight gains, weights losses, and the elastic is shot.  all it takes is one little tug from ollie and it's off.)  honestly, this outfit is what i wear 4 out of 5 weekdays.

and let's not even get started on shoes.  i wear the same pair of flip-flops every day.  it's been years since i bought a cute pair of shoes.  

(this is making me depressed.  you?)

i have mentioned to aubry a few times how unstylish i am lately and now here's the proof.  i often mention to friends that i could really go on "what not to wear" and they lovingly disagree (because how awkward would it be if they agreed?)  but now, NOW there is no denying it.  

i know what's cute.  i know what's flattering on me.  i really can put an outfit together.  heck, i can pin cute outfits all day long!  but seven years of pregnancy and the drastic weight gains and losses have left me with a sad, sad excuse of a wardrobe.

how do i not wear my pajamas all day?  how do i dress cute again?  how do i not wear flip-flops every day? how do i dress cute in the florida heat?  

help me people.

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