
Thursday, April 14, 2011

inside my make-up bag.

i'm a collector of so many too many things.

when i'm fishing through my make-up bag for the lipstick of the day, i always always find 6 colors before i find the one i want.  it's never on the top.  always on the bottom.

it's a cruel trick my life plays on me.

vegas volt | fanfare | mac red | speak louder
morange | syrup | impassioned

i've made a bold and brave effort to wear lipstick everyday.
it shocked the engineers at first.
once they remembered who they were dealing with, the shock factor wore off.
nothing's a suprise anymore with me.

vegas volt is my default, but requires a lot of upkeep throughout the day.
fanfare is easily forgotten, but i slapped it on this morning and fell in love.  it hit the spot.
mac red is classic. can't go wrong.  ever.
speak louder is a perfect pink.
morange is fierce.  it takes a few minutes for the eyes to adjust.
syrup is the one i hardly ever wear on my lips... but use every afternoon when i need to perk up my cheeks.
impassioned is a bright, bright, BRIGHT pink that i haven't yet dared to wear.

there are three universal liners in my mind:

redd, sublime culture, and summerfruit

don't get me started on glosses................

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