
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

blogging before brushing.

i've worked a 16.5 hour day...
amd since there are 14 minutes left in today, i've got to get a few things out.

1.  i met up with lisa last night to trade our "collection gifts" for danni. 
 i passed on the sleezy camera phone pictures and bowed to lisa's nikon.  it's just better that way.

she bought me theBEST gift.  seriously - how'd she know?

she documented it all here.

2.  i'm heading back south for my grandpa's funeral at the end of the week. mixed feelings.  don't judge:

he was my grandma's husband.... not technically my grandpa.  but they were married before i was born, so that's all i knew.   i knew having 3 sets of grandparents was different... but that's just the way it was for me  .this is the first death in the family in all of my living years.  i also knew living 29.5 years with six grandparents meant it would be different than if i were a small kid.  we weren't particularly close to stuart, but we ache on my grandma's behalf.  

on the other hand, it will be so great to spend a weekend with my family.  cousin time is the best time.  especially if you're my cousins.  we're preeettttty funny people.  a road trip with my favorite family from idaho.  we will have the best time together.

{here's the don't judge bit}
i am in desperate need of a minute at home to, like, do my laundry and unpack my bags and pull the winter weeds from the landscaping.  i'm still living out of luggage, operating in 3 oz liquids and have not seen my house in daylight in weeks, let alone pulled out the gardening gloves.  i'm about to garden by headlamp.  the only thing i can think to do is take a hour or two off on thursday morning and pull weeds in the daylight. i needed this weekend to tend to my life.

but i don't get it.  so we carry on.

3.  cydney, you're invited to come to st. george with the girls. 
in fact, if anyone out there is wondering if they're exempt from the open invitation, stop that.  you're invited.

but, cydney, you're especially if you have condo ideas. 

4.  my brother taught my nephew to recite conan the barbarian.
apparently, thsi is really special among the boys from the mid to late 70s... because it doesn't mean a thing to me, but in 4 year old sean voice, it's pretty charming.


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