
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


What does the ethical treatment of animals and their welfare have to do with sex, nudity and porn?? You wouldn't think to combine the two -- unless you are a horse fucking beastiality sicko.

On a serious note though, let me just say how SICK I think it is to engage in sexual anything with animals. To me that is the true essence of the devil's work. For pete's sake, I can't even have sex with my husband if my cat Riven is in the same room, haha. I totally make Jarred kick him out. I just find something about that to be so wrong on every level, hahaa... Blech.

I think that's why I've always been somewhat disturbed about PETA and their choices in ad campaigns. It seriously makes ZERO sense to me to use 'sex' as a message for saving animals. I actually find it offensive. To me it would be just as offensive if you tried doing the same to promote awareness to the starving children of Ethiopia. One doesn't have anything to do with the other. And for such a serious -- and sad topic, especially when it's concerning animal abuse -- I find it sooooo cheesy, lame, and completely un-original -- and yes, offensive, to use sex in order to grab the attention of your audience. PLUS, my stomach just turned when I read this morning that PETA is now in the plans of creating a pornographic website to promote its animal-rights and vegan diet message. Huh?? Doesn't that sentence sound so stupid..?? I know sex sells but this to me is just plain ridiculous. When do we draw a line??

Here are some past ads that I have always questioned....

I guess I can maybe see where the whole "I'd rather be naked" message is going, but still...

And there's something about these next two that I find... unserious-like..??

I think the only ad I've seen from PETA that maybe I could agree on is this... and even then I'm not too sure...

I don't know. I guess I just don't get it.

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