
Sunday, April 25, 2010

jurassic park on a plane

as we landed in Hanoi this weekend, i was thinking to myself and decided that the landing is something that definitely needs to be blogged about. it's so strange because i think it's the same in many parts of the world so i can't say it's a Vietnamese thing, but i would like to know more about why people act the way they do. anyway, to explain what i saw, i will compare the different types of people to different types of dinosaurs. you'll see what i mean...

**NB. i am not a dinosaur expert but this is how i see it...

The Velociraptor
the Velociraptors (the speedy thief) are the fastest of the dinosaurs. before the plane has landed, these creatures are up out of their seats, carry-on luggage in hand, cell phones on, and sending texts. they do not adhere to the "please remain seated until the seat belt sign is off" rule or the "please do not turn on cell phones until you are in the terminal" rule. i often laugh at the raptors because these rules are not made for the good of the airplane staff, they are intended to keep everyone safe. the raptors do not seem to care about safety. speed first. this type is also terrible at following the numerical order which is a given on an airplane. i feel like it is logical to let people off the plane in order. first row one, then two, you get the picture. raptors do not get the picture. i suppose the velociraptors could also be called the plateosaurus which was the dumbest of all the dinosaurs...

The Tyrannosaurus Rex (aka the Barney)
The t-rex or Barney is the smartest of the dinosaurs (both are ranked in the top ten smartest dinosaurs list!). This creature knows that it is best to remain seated until the seat belt sign is turned off. They know that we don't need to push each other because believe it or not, everyone WILL get off the airplane and the airport is not going anywhere! the t-rex acknowledges his or her surroundings, knows who he needs to watch out for on the descent and who the laid back crowd will consist of. however, the t-rex or barney does not let others take advantage of them. they do their best to ensure that everyone maintains their fair spot on the food chain!

The Apatosaurus
the Apatosaurus, sometimes called the Brontosaurus or Long Neck, also makes an appearance on most flights. Although fewer than the raptors, you can tell immediately which passengers take the role of the Apatosaurus. This is one of the slowest moving and easy going of the dinosaurs. If you take your memory on a little jog and recall the movie "The Land Before Time", you will remember Little Foots grandmother who is just like the Apatosaurus that can be seen on the airplane. These creatures take their time and are quite happy to be the last off the plane. they are content to sit and wait patiently while the more aggressive of the dinosaurs get off first and act a bit silly.

so, now you can decide. which dino are you?? (fingers crossed that you're no velociraptor!)

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