Wednesday, March 31, 2010
the boat that rocked / the pirate radio
rock and roll, the sixties, pirates, british accents, can it get any better? haha, this film looks so good! I really enjoyed it tonight, it made me smile, it made my heart beat and made me again regret I wasn't born for the summer of love.
my car.
registration, insurance, safety and emissions inspection, transmission flush, tires, windshield replacement, oil changes... all of it! money down the drain in my mind.
who what where when why wednesday.
lara, robin and i laughed and laughed and laughed at the absurd amount of ri-diculous vanity plates hanging around boise last weekend. but, it got us thinking...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Old School BMX radness

banana bread.

A Complaint Free World

i think it's a great idea and a big challenge for teachers - maybe even more than the students!! however, i've read some reviews from schools that have tried it and they all comment on what a positive change this program has made in their schools.
Free Tattoo Designs
Stencil, Templates & Tattoo Flash The Top and print Free Tattoo Designs
The tattoo world is full of art world. Tattoo itself is considered an art. Once you decide to get one, you are letting your body become a canvas for the skillful art. But like other important things in life, getting a free tattoo designs requires careful planning. Creation of a masterpiece - a tattoo of you - involves making the right decisions and wise.
Tattoos are very popular and many people who want to get one have many ideas, but often feel trapped at times on free tattoo designs they want. Start planning here. Tattoo design is probably the most important things you should consider. We live in an era called the Internet, where everything is just a click away on your computer. If you try to find a free tattoo designs for you, you can just Google it up, my friend! Voila! You will see a stencil, templates, and even flash tattoo designs pop on your screen. All you need do is download and print them. It seems so simple ... but not enough fine.
Why? Since the online free tattoo designs are usually of low quality. More than that, they are not unique. Do you want to have a tribal tattoo and discovered that the stranger on the bus had that exact same design? I do not think so. Do not rely solely on this design freedom. Better to think of ideas and try some initial sketches if you are artistically inclined. If not, you can have it sketched and designed by artist-friends, or just go straight to trusted tattooist.
Now you are sure of your design, ready for the sick and the final result. You will begin running a work of art. Wear your tattoo with pride! By Peter Brat
Glorious revolution
Not that we don't wanna go to Japan, we always do, it's just that the timing is a little off this time.
Fun stuff aside, we have unfinished business with our previous landlords, autoclave repairs, bills bills bills...
Actually, you know what, maybe the timing is just right!
The shop will still be here in May and decorating will be just as fun in a month as it is now.

Oh, it's gonna be so magical and we can't wait to show y'all, but wait we must.

her adult moment came when she shed the fear of self-consciousness about her looks {and internal awkwardness from a life with rheumatoid arthritis} and remained joyful while "dress[ing] like a weirdo... embracing her 'fashion adventurous' style... putting together look-at-me outfits that were equal parts laura ingalls wilder, stevie nicks, and wonder woman" and "[commanding] her reliable and solid body, a thing to be danced and decorated."
it took her 30 years to realize this. to realize that people aren't looking at her as much as she had feared - or, if they were, she secretly didn't mind it.
hallelujah for me... i conquered this one a long time ago. maybe that contributes to my "intimidation" factor. maybe it's not so much intimidation as it is equal parts self-confidence and unapologetic behavior. if you're going to be someone, own it. and love it. and be the best at it.
i guess that means i'm an adult. at last.
da...m-am verificat, dar sunt la fel ca ieri. nici o schimbare vizibila. oricum...lucrez la asta. Incerc sa ma maturizez. Am si cautat pe google 'how to gow up'. Spre surpriza mea am si gasit. Pasii sunt simpli, ii puteti vedea aici. Am gasit de asemenea si articole similare foarte interesante cum ar fi 'how to grow a pumpkin' sau 'how to grow watermelons'.
Imi tot suna in cap melodia de la 4non blondes: '25years and my life is still/trying to get that great big deal oh hope/ for a destination...'

Mergand prin viata intalnesti cele mai diferite lucruri, trebuie sa le absorbi pe toate pentru ca sa ai la ce te gandi cand iesi la pensie. Uneori unele lucruri sunt folositoare altele nu. Ca de exemplu:
- daca ai dintii strambi, mari si apropiati iti raman coji de mere intre ei, ceea ce este un lucru teribil de enervant asa ca este foarte indicat sa porti aparat dentar in copilarie
- cel mai bine cand fierbi orez este sa dai focul foarte mic ca sa nu se lipeasca
- lacul sarat este o mare porcarie
- cand mergi pe munte sa pui toata talpa si sa nu te tii de radacini
- inainte sa o predai, e bine sa iti salvezi lucrarea de dizertatie in cel putin 5 locuri diferite
- unghiile de la picioare cresc mult mai incet decat cele de la maini
- mucegaiul se duce foarte bine cu solutie antimucegai de la Bison
- un tip si o tipa pot fi doar prieteni, apoi dupa cativa ani sexul poate fi foarte placut
- viata are gust: coca cola
- e foarte important sa fii prieten cu secretara de la facultate
- wear sunscreen

Asa ca, in cinstea unui nou an minunat maine o sa ma duc de-a lungul canalului sa vad daca au inflorit copacii (presimt ca da). Cel mai frumos lucru din univers sunt copacii infloriti. Urmatorul cel mai frumos lucru din univers este sa te urci intr-un copac plin cu flori, dar asta devine mai greu cu varsta. Mai ales ca in tara asta oamenii par sa aiba o preferinta pentru pomii frutiferi mici. Cica dupa ce cresc nu mai sunt la fel de roditori si ii schimba, sau asa ceva. Cand eram mica ma urcam in visin si invatasem deja sa recunosc multi copaci dupa flori.

'A thing of beauty is a joy forever...' (john keats) ... si la 25 de ani and so on...
Beach & Bikes Jam 3rd april
Bikes & Beaches Jam, 3rd April 2010 (Easter Saturday)
Come out for a mellow ride on Easter Saturday and celebrate how good rolling on twenties is! First stop Pines Beach street course so gnargoyles like Hamish and Kwol can tear up the ledges (bring a candle, waxing required!) then onto Brooklands mini ramp later on for a mini ramp session for old farts like me. No prizes, run times or any of that, just what we all enjoy doing every weekend, riding! Maybe stop at Kaiapoi park on the way through to blast the hip a few times as well? Cruisy go with the flow day of riding, partly aimed at celebrating that I have been doing this for twenty years! Feel free to bring an old or mid school bike along if you have one, for an extra laugh.
Start at Pines Beach from around 11am (holler for directions or google maps)
Note Pines Beach has a dairy, Brooklands has no shop, and it may pay to bring your own essential supplies! J
That’s all I can think of right now, if it rains Saturday maybe we can do it Sunday?
Any ideas, queries, suggestions to inkedpunk@hotmail.com