
Monday, September 20, 2010

maybe i should reconsider...

have i ever told you how much i hate auto maintenance?
i think i'd rather talk about my political affiliation than throw money at my car.
it's money i'll never see again.

the light on the dash comes on.
the man tells me what the light means.
takes the car away.
i bum rides for a week.
and then, BONUS!
i pay him 700 of my hard earned dollars.
and when i get the car back,
the light's gone.

it doesn't feel any different, it doesn't ride any smoother, it doesn't get 5xs better gas mileage, it doesn't even greet me with warm cookies and milk when i step inside.
but it should.

maybe i ought to reconsider men in uniform...
because having a mechanic around is sounding like a pretty sweet hook up right about now.

{and don't even get me started on the male advisor - the go-to man - who's supposed to help the poor, useless girl make sense of what's legit and what's skeezy mechanic mark-up.  never try to speak to your advisor on the golf course.  apparently, it's sacred territory that requires repeat questions and answer verification.  despite his best efforts, he's not paying you any attention.  that would have been good to know before i gave the go ahead to all $700 worth of work.}

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