
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

feeling old.

i never EVER complain about my age.
but lately...

about a month ago, i called my mom with great news about work... an advancement/promotion of sorts.  i talked through some of my apprehensions and discomforts as i fidgeted my way out of my old bubble and into a new, different, bigger bubble.
my mom's reply, with all seriousness, and maybe a tinge of exasperation:

"well, aubry.  where did you think you'd be by the time you were thirty?"

i think the feeling of "hmmph" came when i didn't get the encouraging "go get 'em" words i came seeking


"what?! wait. mom, i'm not 30.  i'm not even 29. &;%@%*!"

is what actually came out of my mouth. 

for the record: 1 year, 2 months, and 1 day until i'm 30.

still seeking the "go get 'em" encouragement, i told my boss and my other boss that story and now, it's their favorite response to EVERYTHING. 

so, still - hmmph.

i'm learning that i've put myself smack dab in the middle of an environment made of people who achieve greatness with ease.  perhaps i should advance with said ease and a sense of casual-ness about me. freaked out by the firing brigade of new experiences that stretch me beyond comfort?  so what. keep calm and carry on, i s'pose.

my existing feelings about being old was only compounded by the survey i took this morning for my fav online shopping website.  they wanted demographic info, mostly.

gender:  female
age range: 25-34
{right there near the middle thankyouverymuch}
children under 18 in the household: none
marital status: single, not married
home/living status: homeowner
employment status: full time
level of education: bachelor's
household income: don'tworry'boutit.

so much for the single, poor college kid days of filling in the first {lowest} bubble on the chart. 

but then again...

"where did i think i'd be by the time i was thirty?"

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