
Sunday, September 12, 2010

a fascination with numbers.

a few years ago, i read this book called "the curious incident of the dog in the night time" - a story told from the perspective of an 11 year old autistic boy.

the more i read, the more i wondered if my parents made an autistic kid.

the love of order
the need to categorize
arranging and rearranging things
identifying patterns
but mostly...
my fascination with numbers.

backwards, forwards, adding, counting down, celebrating milestones (odometers make my heart leap), memorizing, yada.

i get such a thrill from a good number combo.

i'm such a weirdo.

so, a couple months ago - when anthropologie sold these giant, oversized number plates, i fought the mental battle against buying that long, skinny no. 2, the grey and red no. 3, and the short, wide no. 7.

there's no reason why i needed them... which jen so kindly reminded me of. again. and again. and again. i swear i looked at those giant, unnecessary numbers every saturday for a month and a half... but never bought 'em.

i'm still kicking myself.

i loved those numbers.

but, then, on saturday, i found myself in number HEAVEN at the super mysterious warehouse of everything - NPS. an entire aisle of street address numbers. it's kind of like crack to my brain.

but still - what in the world am i supposed to do with them?

bestie jen pulled through for me (again) with a brill home decor idea...
i'll hang them in a frame on my new wall!


(that 3 right there in the middle? it's all mine.)

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