
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

this day was like any other normal day.
William and Melvin never fail to drag me out of bed right on time.
but as usual, they are late.

@ Edison lightings
that 'moon' is his final choice.
while waiting...

a light, a tin of paint, two rollers, a paint brush, a paint board, two pillows, a tv adapter box
and lastly not to forget the pair of jeans from his lovely girlfriend.

met up with kame-chan and yongrui for dinner
and a little chit chat at starbucks. :)
it's my first time seeing them in this holiday.
did some catch up with them.
and guess what...
yongrui got himself a beautiful new babe (mobile)
that was imported from japan last week.
cool isn't it! haha.
he's my one and only friend
who will get such incredible stuff from online
and share it with us.
awwwwwww ;)
i heart them!

the sms that never fails to put a smile on my face...

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