
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

the weekend blogger

how has it happened that i've become the weekend blogger?!  getting back into the swing of things at school has been EXHAUSTING!  i'm telling ya!

so what's new this week?  let's see...
  • sunday i started tutoring again.  it's nice to get into the routine again (and the money!).
  • monday i tutored again.  not much happening....
  • tuesday i got really angry at one of my classes.  we had the big "respect" talk (again).  i gave them the silent treatment.  i hope they get better soon....
  • i've started taking an allergy pill at bed time.  i've been feeling so icky in the morning i decided i'd give it a shot.  i'll keep you posted.  all i know is that this morning i DID NOT want to get out of bed.  
  • wednesday (today) my kids were a bit better.  
  • i went grocery shopping at the new Lulu's.  i love it there.  i even found egg substitute!  yippee!  (eggs freak me out...)
  • i hurt my back lifting a case of pop.  i'm a wimp.
  • phil had his first basketball game of the season.  i couldn't attend but i hear it was a nail biter!  in the end the BBS bulldogs came out ON TOP!
  • tomorrow is THURSDAY!  i love the weekend! 

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