
Monday, January 16, 2012

it's not a vitamix, but i do have a testimony of it.

the other day, bestie jen gave me a frozen yogurt smoothie pack from yoplait - and then handed me another because she knew i'd fall quickly in love. 

which, i did.

but i was frustrated with my laaaaame blender. 
am i the only one who's never met a blender that worked?
i had to get violent with my blender, shaking it back and forth, side to side to get it to mix at all, rather than just spinning the blade at the bottom of the jar while the fruit at the top sat pleasantly, waiting its turn. i would've liked to see myself on spy came that day with the blender...

so the frozen berry smoothies were on my costco grocery list on saturday's epic shopping trip. but that also meant a new blender was on the list. it's time. i'm thirty... that's more than an appropriate age to get rid of all the crappy collegiate appliances that just got me by all these years.

so i googled. and i tried to remember what i read in consumer reports. but what it boiled down to was a sit-and-stare moment at target. i stood there. and stared. and waited for revelation. honestly. 

and in the end, i chose the ninja

i chose it because it was originally $99, but on sale for $79. it also got 5 stars on all the sites i googled while i sat-and-stared. the rest, save the $600 vita-mix and blend-tecs, got manically mixed reviews. 

and so far, i love it. i've made morning smoothies every morning since {um, twice now} and it's as quick as anything. never, ever, would i choose to sacrifice minutes from my morning routine to make breakfast in the kitchen, but this, i can do.

who knows, i might even throw a handful of green spinach in there and get extra healthy. they say that helps.

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