the best part about living in utah is this "crossroads of the west" situation.
no doubt, 90% of the people i know pass through this place... to visit me, to visit family, to run a race, to celebrate a holiday, for business, to ski, yada.
and i'll bend over backwards to squeeze in even the quickest rendezvous.
so when teri said she was coming in from north carolina for christmas, we made it work. we reunited for another shellac appointment at nailed! and a treat at tulie.
we also managed to fit in a return at j.crew and a zip through anthropologie's wild 50% off sale.
where neither of us bought anything. amazing?

we had a little bit of fun and opted for the most un-red, un-holiday, un-traditional {not a word, i know} bunch of colors. and i think the nail ladies thought we were awesome for it.
aubry: teal and a smidge of cajun shrimp
teri: sparkly purple. hellllo new years eve party!
it was fast, it was fun, we got 8 hours worth of conversation into a three hour shopping/nail date, but when you're thousands and thousands of miles away from each other all year long, you work with what you've got!
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