you're still cool. even if you didn't figure out who bright eyes/conor oberst until just now. you've always been pretty cutting edge when it came to things like this. don't let 3.2 kids get you down.
that said, i'm sharing with you {and anyone else who reads my blog} an old favorite.

oddly enough, he's got an album called "handsome devil". any wonder why?
i saw him perform at the hotel cafe tour a couple years ago. he's pretty dreamy... and his voice is all melty and delicious. i hear he can be pretty crude when he performs live - but he didn't even go there when he performed here in salt lake. thanks, jim.
oh jim, you sassy, seductive man, you.
you're welcome,
p.s. - kelli, brooke... back me up. when jim climbed into the audience for an upright bass only version of "sing" your knees wobbled a little, didn't they?
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