
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Two thumbs up for Ryan Gosling

I might have to chalk up January as the 'Month of Crushes' -- as I'm adding yet another one to the list. A couple of nights ago me and Jarred finally watched the movie Crazy, Stupid, Love -- which I've been basically craving to watch ever since I saw the first preview. And it did not disappoint! I enjoyed it so much that I'm even thinking of adding it to the movie collection. Although with all the movie channels on TV it's quite rare that me and Jarred ever watch anything on dvd anymore. I don't know... There's just some movies that you want to own..!!

Not only was this movie heart warming and sweet, but pretty funny too, and an overall feel-good movie. I mega loved it. Plus, Ryan Gosling is sooooo hot, hahaa... I loved the character he played; smooth talking, and ever so dapper.

ps: this didn't hurt either...

If you haven't seen it yet, go rent it NOW.

On a more serious note, the movie Blue Valentine is much more somber, and almost depressing -- haha -- but, a realistic look at love and relationships. I had zero desire to see this when I first saw the previews, and it was a late night a few weeks ago when I was on my christmas holiday break that one of the movie channels was playing this, and I just sort of got sucked into it. And right from the start too. It's actually a very good movie, and amazing performances from both Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams -- although Michelle Williams' character got on my nerves, and she seemed like a bitch.  :)


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