
Saturday, January 14, 2012


an update on the photo a day challenge...
i caught on a few days late. i missed the self portrait {phew}.

you already saw the first two, but to review:

day five: something you wore
literally, what i wore, in the past tense. in a pile on the floor at the end of a day.

day six: makes you smile
garlic butter sauce with a side of pizza.

day seven: favorite
nail painting party.

day eight: my sky
just enough clouds to be dreary.

day nine: daily routine
g-chat with bestie jen.

day ten: childhood
this happens to be in my top drawer at work.

day eleven: where you sleep
inches upon inches of fluffy, foamy, un-made heaven.

day twelve: close-up
10 a.m. diet coke. duh.

day thirteen: in my bag
i really need a kindle. and a peppermint lollipop.

day fourteen: what i'm reading
an ikea picture book.

tomorrow is "happiness" day.  oy vey, how will i narrow that down? another picture of my bed? of diet coke? 

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