
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Box hoarding and other life questions

- Let the hoarding adventures continue! I really don't know why I continue to collect boxes. I somehow always think I'll need them, and then they'll be super handy to have kicking around. Right now I have them scattered between the spare room and my car, but mostly in my car. I'd say 90% of the time this is what my car looks like:

You don't even want to see the trunk. If anything, I'm starting to think that this could be a good deterrent from car thieves. Just think about it; picture that you are a thief, and pass by this car. You'd look in and see all these empty boxes and be turned off, thinking that this car looks like it's too much of a hassle to bother with. haha, at least then I know there's a point to all these boxes.

- Over the past view days I've been pondering the same question, regarding my blog and facebook, and keep asking myself:

What's the point?

I've been seriously considering cancelling one or the other, or even both. But I then wonder if I'll go into serious facebook withdrawls, where I'll be sweating, aaaand foaming at the mouth, aaaaaaand not knowing what to do with all of this extra spare time. Although really, picture what it would be like to cancel all of these accounts. For good. Maybe it would be nice not to worry about such frivolous things.

We'll see how things go. My mood might change by tomorrow anyways.

- Kitchen Renovations.

I think these Mexican tiles would look soooooo good mixed in with solid colored tiles as the backsplash in my kitchen. Yes?! 

- "Ohhhh Mummy, can I please get this hooker doll? Phhhleeease??"



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