
Monday, January 31, 2011

the van.

the corporate minivan just got upgraded to an 2011.  you should have seen the engineers and i crawling through the van when we caught the fleet guy giving it an inspection in the parking garage. 

the 2nd row arm rests!
the cargo stow below the seats!
the public hearing cookie and water stash spaces!

all of it: amazing. 
it's about the simple pleasures in corporate america.

so get a load of this conversation, on the way into the office after lunch:

{driving through the parking garage}
aubry:  that's a niiiiiice looking dodge.
greg: seriously?  did you just say that?
aubry:  yup.  i did.  and i meant it just like that.
greg: you're going to be driving a minivan one day.
{getting out of the car}
aubry: no i'm not.
greg:  what do you have against minivans?
aubry: nothing.  i drive the van all the time.
greg: so what's the problem?
aubry:  well, if you want to get into the logistics of it, i won't have enough kids to need a minivan. a sedan will do.
{waiting for the elevator}
greg: huh?
aubry:  if i don't have kids by 35, i'm not having any. and at this rate, i'm not having kids before or after 35.
greg:  that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. 
aubry:  i will not be the 40 year old mom at kindergarten... and i'd only get older from there with each kid.
greg:  there's lots of 40 year old moms at kindergarten.
{in the elevator}
aubry: great.  but i won't be one of them. that would put me at, like, 60 come my last kid's high school grad. i'm not going to be the 60 year old mom.
greg: great is right.  since it's all about YOU, isn't it?
aubry: so far, it's not about anyone else, so there's nothing to worry about.
greg: just cuz you're 40 doesn't mean you have to act the part. kids are great at any age.
aubry: says the guy who had kids at, like, 12 and will be an empty nester at 45.
{doors open on the 3rd floor.}
greg: you could always adopt, you know.
{i get off.  doors are closing.}
aubry: thanks for your concern.  but that doesn't solve my problem.

... all because the new line of fleet vehicles came in.
darn the minivan.

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