every time i go to a concert, i walk out {ears ringing, smelling like the collective smell of everyone else's sweat. yum.} thinking it was the best one yet.
ooh... and that gwen. she didn't disappoint. THAT GWEN! let's get this out on the table. gwen stefani is the prettiest thing i've ever seen. robin said it first - but i whole heartedly agree:
if i could be anyone famous, i'd be her.she's got moves that will blow your mind.
she wears
red lipstick every day.
{i want to wear red lipstick everyday. but how do you walk into an engineering firm one day and just "pull off" red lipstick? engineers and their plaid shirts wouldn't know what to do with themselves.}
she has rad hair. rad.
she's a mom.
she's a size 6. not a 2.
she can get away with wearing nearly anything.
she also makes a mean
perfume. ooh, i just love it.
and on... and on... and on...
so - my favorite song. bathwater. kind of the underdog. but pretty great.
there were two highlights of the night:
1. finding ourselves surrounded by the meanest band of lesbians. the MEANEST! i think they thought that by virtue of buying a GA ticket they guaranteed themselves a comfortable little bubble. what they failed to understand was - a GA ticket gives you the space inside your skin. and only the space inside your skin. no one's even awarded the luxury of controlling your space above the ankles. sometimes you can move your arms... but mostly - you can't stake a claim on the floor.
'cept these lesbians did. and boy, were they fierce.
the sweet victory of the night - was when the music started and i pushed and shoved my way in front of them. someone needed to teach them a lesson. and when i looked back - there they were. fuming.
2. singing happy birthday to kingston. what a treat! cute little munchkin. it was totally past his bedtime. but when your mom is gwen stefani, i bet your bedtime is negotiable.
happy birthday kingston!

of course - my cousin and his sassy wife were front row specials... and their pictures are going to be ten times cooler than mine. stay tuned. ooh... i should have worked it out. taken them up on their offer to go together. but then i'da had to sit through ALL of paramore. ick.