Saturday, January 31, 2009
Celebrity Tattoos - on Sexy Place Designs
Art of Body Tattoo - popular Tattoo of th world
Tattooing has been practiced worldwide. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, traditionally wore facial tattoos. Today one can find Berbers of Tamazgha (North Africa) and Maori of New Zealand with facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples and among certain tribal groups in the Philippines, Borneo, Mentawai Islands, Africa, North America, South America, Mesoamerica, Europe, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand and Micronesia. Despite some taboos surrounding tattooing, the art continues to be popular in many parts of the world.

Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice at least since Neolithic times. Ötzi the Iceman, dating from the fourth to fifth millennium BCE, was found in the Ötz valley in the Alps and had approximately 57 carbon tattoos consisting of simple dots and lines on his lower spine, behind his left knee, and on his right ankle. Other mummies bearing tattoos and dating from the end of the second millennium BC have been discovered, such as the Mummy of Amunet from Ancient Egypt and the mummies at Pazyryk on the Ukok Plateau.
Pre-Christian Germanic, Celtic and other central and northern European tribes were often heavily tattooed, according to surviving accounts. The Picts were famously tattooed (or scarified) with elaborate dark blue woad (or possibly copper for the blue tone) designs. Julius Caesar described these tattoos in Book V of his Gallic Wars (54 BCE).
Tattooing in Japan is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, some ten thousand years ago.[citation needed] Various other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and other wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert dyes.[citation needed
Tattooing in the Western world today has its origins in Polynesia, and in the discovery of tatau by eighteenth century explorers. The Polynesian practice became popular among European sailors, before spreading to Western societies generally
Friday, January 30, 2009
Testing The New Olympus E30 Camera - Taylor Swift and the COC
Richard Paul Fink as the Water Gnome, with nymphs Teiya Kasahara, Lisa Dimaria, and Erin Fisher

Michael Schade as the Prince

Julie Makerov as Rusalka
And yesterday I was shooting recording star Taylor Swift at MuchMusic. Both were done exclusively on the E30.
After the near debacle of Caty Perry's drive-by photo op last month, the Much staff were back on their game for this appearance. And Taylor's people really had a handle on things as well.
She seems like a nice kid - still a teenager and already the highest selling recording artist on the planet - very down to earth, no attitude at all.
The paparrazi were out in force. About half a dozen of them. One guy I talked to had been trailing her all day from the moment she landed at the airport to every promo appearance she was making.
The photos were done in a smallish TV studio, and unfortunately I got squeezed to the side - had a 50/50 chance as to which way she would be facing for the interview and picked the wrong one (doh! :)
At 100 percent her eyes are really red, and they look a little puffy. I think she was having trouble with her contacts as she was really squinting under the brights lights in the studio.

I'm finding the E30's focusing a little squirrely at times. Different from the E3's, which is a surprise as the focusing modules in both cameras are supposed to be the same. I think the E30 has been tweaked a little, the actual focusing spot has been tightened slightly, and it make take some time to adjust to it.
But everything I have done has been on assignment so it hasn't been possible to directly compare the two side by side in the same lighting.
In five and a half months with the E3 I've racked up nearly 50,000 exposures, so I'm pretty well versed on how that camera behaves in similiar circumstances. There is something different about the E30's 11 point focusing, just not sure what it is.
The good news is the image quality is just outstanding. High ISO performance at 1600 ISO beats the E3 hands down. There is a tiny bit more noise, but the noise is much less digital, more film-like than the E3.
Sharpness at high ISO also seems improved, and banding has been seriously stifled on the E30. The lighting was very dim throughout the opera, but a couple shots were really under-exposed when I got sloppy with the spot meter. While I put the spot right on the target, I forgot that the minus 2.5 exp.comp applied trying to shoot the scene in matrix mode was still on. Thus they were very dark. Bringing these frames up in curves from a minus 2.5 stop exposure reveals only very slight banding. I know from experience that none of these frames would have been recoverable from the E3.
The results have excellent sharpness and detail, there is a slight green bias to the colour output, but bear in mind that everything I've shot so far has been under artificial lighting, in the case of the opera with mixed tungsten and daylight colour temperature light sources. And the MuchMusic studio lighting has a well known green bias anyway, so I'm not reading anything into it.
If the E3 had come out with this sensor it would have lit critics up to a much greater degree. It really does look like a leap upwards from the E3/E520/E420 output so far.
But this is only based on about 1800 exposures, so there may be gremlins yet to be discovered. So far I'm very pleased with the E30.
This weekend I'll be shooting WinterCity festivities (four hours shooting in the dark freezing my butt off - oh joy), then more press work and a dance performance next week. So most of what I'll be shooting with the camera will be at the extreme end of the performance envelope. Should be a good test.
BTW: with all the E3 componentry inside it people are naturally comparing the E30 to that camera. Every photo comparison features those two side by side. But I think it really is a natural evolution of the E510 and in the hand it does feel like the 'tweener' camera in the lineup. If the pricing only reflected this it would all fall into place.
The above photos were shot with the Digital Zuiko 50-200mm 2.8 lens. This lens is unique, and I think Olympus should be shouting about it. I talk to the Reuters and Getty guys about the 50-200mm all the time. They'd love the kind of versatility it brings. Yesterday the top celeb shooter in the city was asking about it again.
You tell people who shoot what they do that this compact lens starts as an L quality 200mm 2.8 and goes all the way to 400mm at just 3.5, and their mouths drop open.
This is really Olympus's true strength, and the major reason I stick with them. Their lens lineup is the most logical of all DSLR manufacturers, and the quality level is superior in most focal lengths to the competition.
One day Olympus will wake up to the fact that they are Japan's Leica and start marketing their DSLR's properly.
Tattoos Design in Sexy Girls Body Tattoo

Tribal tattoos are among the most popular designs. They have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years and they are always evolving and becoming more and more complex with their designs and styles. Tribal tattoos can either be the traditional black style that cover the arms and the legs or the more colorful styles that can cover every area of the body. The colorful, more modern look is becoming more and more popular when compared to other styles.
Celtic tattoos are also popular as well. They are mostly seen with those who have a Celtic heritage, although some with no Celtic heritage have them as well. They offer a variety of symbols and designs, providing universal meanings for everyone. Often times they are mixed with tribal tattoos to create a more innovative tattoo.
There are several other types of tattoos out there, although the above are the most common. Tattoos can be very creative and innovative; it all depends on what you want. If you’re looking to stand out and be truly creative – you can always have a professional tattoo artist design one for you.

Sexy Girls Tattoo Gesign

Women nowadays are gradually opting for large tattoos. 'New school' hearts, stars, roses and tribal tattoo designs on the lower back are increasingly being asked for by females. Therefore these days, a female tattoo gallery will have these popular designs as women are becoming more experimental in the shapes and sizes of their designs.
Many tattooists and female tattoo gallery report that when musicians, especially hip-hop artists get tattoos, there is usually a particular tattoo that is very popular. The popularity of lower back and stomach placement of tattoos suggests that most women still don't want their tattoos to be too obvious and also a desire for a more sexual placement of the tattoo.
Many female tattoo gallery will normally recommend women to get their tattoos done on the more popular spot such as the lower back and ankle.
First, lower back is a very sexy spot to have a tattoo. It seldom shows, but can be 'flashed' as the woman bends over. Catching a glimpse of a lower back tattoo on a woman, you almost get the feeling that you're seeing something you shouldn't be very tempting!
Ankle tattoos in any female tattoo gallery are usually small. Other tattoo location for girls include the shoulder, the left shoulder is traditionally the feminine side, because shoulder tattoos are a great accent when you're wearing a tank top or halter top in the summer.
When it comes down to it, it's what makes you feel good. It's going to be around for quite a while so you may as well choose a tattoo that has lasting appeal in the female tattoo gallery. There are so many good tattoo designs and custom pieces a tattoo artists can do nowadays so don't be tempted to get some designs which will date really fast and end up looking shoddy.
Generally female tattoos in any female tattoo gallery are very sexy and striking, and they certainly don't need to be offensive in any way. Do a search for 'female tattoos' on the internet in order to get more ideas with regard to tattoo designs.
Chopper Tattoo - Tattoos Gallery

Tattoo from Chopper Tattoo

Tribal High Quality Tatoo - Chopper Tattoo

High Quality Tattoo Designs
With the largest designs selection, tribal is a one of choice thousands of award winning & perfect tattoo designs and tattoo lettering , Chopper Tattoo, (No.1 Popular Tattoo Design Gallery) allows their members able to browse through their huge database of designs from one central location. They guarantee to have more designs to choose from than any tattoo parlor, and their database continues to grow. Their database provides black and white, small, medium, large, adult tattoo design for girl, women or men
Thursday, January 29, 2009
final sale. my favorite time(s) of the year.

(this coat! originally $200... $48! mine in sour lemon.)

(light pewter.)

(you can't go wrong with a few classic button downs. deep persimmon. yum. especially under the yellow coat... or even the cardi)