a spontaneous genius. so much so that i'm helpless against acting upon my genius-hood. what a waste of genius-ness it would be not to do something about it.

upon return, cindy {miss boise} posted a comment on my blog post about missing his upcoming concert in boise this weekend. at the same time, andi {miss denver} posed a question on her blog - "where should we see him next?"
then it struck me. we're going to boise.
and so began our email conversation:
aub: hey, andi - i downloaded that great k'naan ringtone. i love it.
and: perfect! i just bliggity blogged about our weekend. i want to go again.
aub: what if we roadtrip to boise to surprise cindy with a jason mraz lalapolooza weekend... wouldn't that be a dream?
and: that would be dreamy... hmmm
aub: just checked availability. still some rockin' good seats.
and: checking on flights.
aub: this could be amazing.
and: this could be really great.
aub: i know, right? i'm a freaking genius!
and: den - slc, arriving at 1 pm friday. slc - den, departing 7 pm sunday. it's on.
and just like that, great fun was born.
p.s. already scoped the cupcake shops in boise. the picking is slim, but i will find a great cuppycake.
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