
Thursday, February 18, 2010

okay, look...

i just have to talk about this for just a minute... with no bitterness or scathing woman feelings. just conveniently timed statements of facts.

when i was in college, my mom begged me, semester after semester, to transfer to a utah school. she had dreams that i would meet some rockstar med student and i'd live the awesome life of a doctor's wife and we'd make lots of girl babies. so, imagine the delight in my mom's voice when i told her i was moving to salt lake after graduation. DELIGHT.

this is utah. the land of milk and honey. not sure of the vital statistics, but there are a helluva lot more young single adults here than anywhere else. and i get the sense that sometimes my people can't fathom how so many single people remain single among so many... single people.

here's why:

since moving here {five years ago}, i have ONLY met ONE dude who is not a drunk, a baby daddy, or a poser.

where are the garment wearing, sacrament taking, temple going mormons?

the rest of 'em? drunks. all of them! mormon boys who pretend to be mormon, but secretly like to make babies. they talk about their missions, but they also admit to knowing what time the liquor store closes on a saturday.

take, for example, the old acquaintance who just found me on facebook. he served his mission in san diego when i was in high school, which means i haven't seen him in over ten years... and i probably wouldn't recognize him if i saw him walking down the street. there's a chance i remember my 17 year old self being a little wow'd by him as a missionary, and a little more wow'd by him a couple weeks ago when he found me and told me he was moving to salt lake this weekend. between our conversations and a little scan of his profile, i've learned that he's divorced, which is acceptable. has a daughter, which comes with the territory. but. BUT. he's also a member of the "puff, puff, give" group... NOT OK.

i used to have a "list". but it's getting an overhaul.

$50 from my parents to the one who finds me someone who wears garments, goes to the temple, and takes the sacrament. that's all.

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