
Sunday, September 25, 2011

saturday is a special day.

the mormon community is on fire - the good kind - after hearing the message in last night's relief society meeting.
i don't loooove these meetings... not at first. i go, with a little kick and a little scream, but the message always brings me back down and reminds me that i, in fact, am not as put together as i think i am and an hour and a half on a saturday night once a year will do me good.

it was business as usual for me, until dieter uchtdorf found the pulpit and, like ever before, spoke so much goodness i scrambled for scratch paper at the bottom of my bag to to write down every word.

the point of these meetings is that we all get something different out of it depending on our circumstances. last night, my circumstances taught me that it all boils down to self confidence and happiness. women are too hard on themselves, comparing themselves to the shells of perfect women they think they see all around. the ones who dress better, have nicer things, or who are way more charming in social settings. i gathered elder uchtorf was telling us that mentality is straight up silly... that comparing our weaknesses to other people's strengths invariably weakens us, which minimizes our own strengths and shows ingratitude toward the successes, skills, strengths, and blessings we've been given by our heavenly father.

we should know this stuff.

blame it on my mom for teaching me my worth, blame it on growing up with good friends who never did me wrong or left me wondering if they had my back... i don't know how to learn confidence, i just know i've got it... because i've never concerned myself or felt bad about what others have that i don't. i don't even think about it! strange? how un-female of me! the lesson i've learned over the course of my life is to gravitate toward greatness... toward people i can learn from + gain from. not to chase after them like ravenous wolves... just to associate gently... and learn and observe.  and as elder uchtorf reminded us, without envy or comparison.

that's what i got out of it.  among other things - scribbled on the back of a receipt.  what about you?

oh, you didn't hear it? read it?  check it here.

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