
Saturday, January 14, 2012

take a peek.

i don't do major grocery trips very often. like, hardly ever.
but this morning i was feeling very meal-planning-ish which snowballed.

snowballed from a super search on pinterest to a super ambitious grocery list to a super grocery trip to the grocery and costco to a super strength herculean unload from the car to the kitchen to a super cleans of the fridge to a super denial of the pantry.

i bought all the fixings for 
two soups.... with the hopes of warming my chilled to the bone soul.

... here's to climbing out of my lazy apple + peanut butter/bowl of cereal rut!

so, i cleaned out the fridge. it warranted a photo. 
being one person, it's hard to eat this much food.
but being one person, it's hard to eat real live meals without buying this much food.

not seen: eight cubes of butter {4 salted, 4 unsalted} in the door. vital to any proper and operating kitchen.

the pantry, though, will get me + all my neighbors through the end of the world. i count it among my one year supply in case the world begins to end. you're all invited for dinner when that kicks off.

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