Dad, you're someone to look up to no matter how tall I've grown. ~Author Unknown
There is still no cure for the common birthday. ~John Glenn
First you forget names; then you forget faces; then you forget to zip up your fly; and then you forget to unzip your fly. ~Branch Rickey
The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age. ~Lucille Ball
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. ~Charles Schulz
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name. ~William Wordsworth
Father! - to God himself we cannot give a holier name. ~William Wordsworth
We advance in years somewhat in the manner of an invading army in a barren land; the age that we have reached, as the saying goes, we but hold with an outpost, and still keep open communications with the extreme rear and first beginnings of the march. ~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Virginibus Puerisque II," Virginibus Puerisque, 1881
Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. ~Bill Cosby

Thanks to modern medical advances such as antibiotics, nasal spray, and Diet Coke, it has become routine for people in the civilized world to pass the age of 40, sometimes more than once. ~Dave Barry, "Your Disintegrating Body," Dave Barry Turns 40, 1990
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. ~Larry Lorenzoni
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it. ~Mark Twain
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