
Sunday, January 22, 2012

groundhog's day.

every morning, between the hour of 6:21 and 7:35 it's groundhog's day.
snooze, snooze, rise and shine.

shower water goes on, i run a brush through my hair before i get in - an act of self preservation against tangles.
{a}shampoo,{b} condition, {c} wash face, rinse my conditioner, brush {d} teeth {in the shower. my mom thinks i'm so strange.}, {e} wash body.  first things first when i get out, {f} astringent.

while my hair dries, all wrapped up in a towel, on goes the make up.
{1}eye cream, {2} moisturizer, {3} concealer.
{4}foundation, {5} eye brightener, and {6} loose powder.

then onto the eyes.
{7} eye shadow primer, a million different {8} eye shadows - at least three at a time. {9} liner, and then {10} mascara

{11} cheeks, {12} lips {vegas volt, lately}, {13} lips {summerfruit liner}, and {14} lips {whoops! gloss}.

there's zero magic when it comes to the hair.
it's straight, it's long, and takes 10 minutes to blow dry. 
when i'm all done, i run a straight iron through my bangs and smooth it all out with a pump of moroccan oil

pearls go in my ears and i'm out the door.

if i concentrate, i can do it all 35 minutes. 
it's my least favorite time of the day....

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